Authentic and exclusive Skoot Clothing from South Korea.
Size cm
Medium - Length 104 / Waiste 76-98 / Hip 132 / Thigh 80 / Front Crotch 31 / Back Crotch 41
Large - Length 110 / Waist 79-101 / Hip 138 / Thigh 84 / Front Crotch 33 / Back Crotch 43
Pink Floyd Endless River Black Back Print Tee
Pierce the Veil Wavy Skeleton Black Tee
Neil Young Harvest Old Gold Tee
Lamb of God Circuitry Skull Recolor Black Tee
Grateful Dead Mushrooms Black Tee
Grateful Dead Est 1965 Black Eco Tee
Genesis Watchers of the Skies Black Tee
Bob Dylan Soundcheck Black Tee
Alice in Chains Jar of Flies Black Tee
Alice in Chains Jar of Flies
Alice in Chains Group Photo Tee
Alice in Chains Dirt Black Tee